Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Teacher's Life

Teacher’s profession is an ideal profession. Yet all teachers are not ideal. There are many
who are angry, beat students, scold them right and left, do not look neat in appearance,
have no affection for students, are interested only in increasing their income, keep no touch
with books, and are too much inclined to politics. With the society going to the dogs, such
teachers are ever on the increase.
Certainly they have no right to be treated as ideal teachers for no students, except the worst,
would like to build their lives of them.
This shows that very few teachers can rightly claim to be accepted as ideal ones. There are
some who possess many qualities that make them to be likely claimants to this honorable
position but a few shortcomings shatter their hopes to pieces. This shows that an ideal
teacher is not someone to be found here, there and everywhere. He is really a rare object,
and very few schools can boast to have such a teacher in their stafflist.
If we are to describe
an ideal teacher in a few words, we must say that he should have the ability to serve as a
model before his students.
An ideal teacher, above all, should be a good teacher. His teaching ability should be such so
as to attract the attention of the students easily. He should teach in a way so that any topic,
however hard it may be, can be easily understood by the students.
In order to teach well, the teacher himself should have vast and deep knowledge.
He must be Able to clear away students’ fear of studies and to turn them into storehouses
knowledge without which a refined and higher life cannot be lived.
An ideal teacher should have unbounded love and affection for his students.
He should be one who can be easily approached by them, for he should truly be their friend,
philosopher, and guide,
teacher’s profession is an ideal profession. Yet all teachers are not ideal. There are many
who are angry, beat students, scold them right and left, do not look neat in appearance,
have no affection for students, are interested only in increasing their income, keep no touch
with books, and are too much inclined to politics. With the society going to the dogs, such
teachers are ever on the increase.
Certainly they have no right to be treated as ideal teachers for no students, except the worst,
would like to build their lives of them.
This shows that very few teachers can rightly claim to be accepted as ideal ones. There are
some who possess many qualities that make them to be likely claimants to this honorable
position but a few shortcomings shatter their hopes to pieces. This shows that an ideal
teacher is not someone to be found here, there and everywhere. He is really a rare object,
and very few schools can boast to have such a teacher in their stafflist.
If we are to describe
an ideal teacher in a few words, we must say that he should have the ability to serve as a
model before his students.
role model is a person who inspires and encourages us to strive for greatness, live to our
fullest potential and see the best in ourselves. A role model is someone we admire and
someone we aspire to be like. We learn through them, through their commitment to
excellence and through their ability to make us realize our own personal growth. We look to
them for advice and guidance.
A role model can be anybody: a parent, a sibling, a friend but some of our most influential
and lifechanging
role models are teachers.
“When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” Marlene
Canter, My Teacher My Hero
Teachers follow students through each pivotal stage of development. At six to eight hours a
day, five days a week, you as a teacher are poised to become one of the most influential
people in your students’ life. After their parents, children will first learn from you, their
elementary school teacher. Then, as a middle school teacher, you will guide students
through yet another important transition: adolescence. As children become young adults,
learning throughout middle school and into high school, you will answer their questions,
listen to their problems and teach them about this new phase of their lives. You not only
watch your students grow you help them grow.
“We think of teacherheroes
that taught us the academics but we don’t often think of those
teachers that taught us life’s lessons.” Maria
Wale, My Teacher My Hero
Much of what students learn from their greatest teachers is not detailed on a syllabus.
Teachers who help us grow as people are responsible for imparting some of life’s most
important lessons. During their initial school years, students encounter, perhaps for the first
time, other children of the same age and begin to form some of their first friendships. As a
teacher, you will show your students how to become independent and form their own
relationships, you will carefully guide them and intervene when necessary. School is as
much a place of social learning as academic learning, and this is true, not only in our early
years of education, but all the way through college. Though a teacher’s influence on the
social sphere of school lessens as students mature, those early lessons still have an effect
on how they will interact with others in the future.
Teachers are founts of experience. They have already been where their students are going,
undergone what they will go through and are in a position to pass along lessons, not only
regarding subject matter, but lessons on life.
Each profession occupies a specific niche in society — doctors heal, engineers design and
bankers handle our money. Teaching, however, stands out as a subsumptive entity. At a
preliminary stage, teachers instill the transcendent faculties of communication, decision
making and awareness of social responsibilities. Later in life, no matter which field we
choose to pursue, we again turn to teachers for training. A strong information base and well
developed capabilities of comprehension and analysis are critical for progress. These crucial
responsibilities of inculcating knowledge, kindling inspiration and encouraging creative
thought are all vested in the teacher. Keeping in mind the increasing trend of both parents
working long hours, the teacher is also expected to build a strong moral character and
provide emotional support. Thus, the teacher has to build a rapport with the student and be
simultaneously approachable and authoritative. His/her role encompasses that of an
instructor, friend, role model and confidant.
I often wonder about teachers who educated famous people such as Einstien and Abraham
Lincoln. Were these teachers specially qualified to inspire their students to achieve fame and
success? Or were these teachers just plain lucky to have talented students? Do some
teachers have rare qualities of turning them into gold ? The answer may not be easy to find.
A great person once said, "Teaching is a profession that teaches all other professions."
From ancient times, teachers have been playing an important role in our society. Behind
every successful engineer or doctor there is a teacher. A teacher is a person who moulds
them into engineers or doctors. A person who teaches us moral values, a person who
encourages us is a teacher. In Indian culture, we praise teachers more than Gods.
Alexander the Great once said, "I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for
The role of teachers in society is both significant and valuable. They are one of the main
pillars of a sound and progressive society. They bear the weight and responsibility of
teaching, and, apart from parents, they are the main source of knowledge and values for
children. It is rightly said that a teacher plays a key role in shaping our future. Nowadays,
being an engineer or a doctor is considered good, but they would not have been able to get
where they are without teachers. Teachers share the information they have. On the contrary,
doctors and engineers do not necessarily share theirs.Right from the age of four, a child
finds himself in the hands of a teacher. Throughout our lives, our teachers inspire us and
teach us about values. They treat us like their own children and make us learn from their
experiences. They make us strong enough to stand on our own feet and face any challenge.
No engineer or doctor can ever replace a teacher's contribution in our lives! "A good teacher
is like a candle — it consumes itself to light the way for others."
A doctor treats patients, an engineer constructs buildings and machines but a teacher builds
the nation. The young students of today are the leaders and the hope for the future of any
country. They are the plants in the garden of the nation and teachers are the gardeners. By
irrigating the "garden of the nation" and giving direction to the young, teachers lay the
foundation for any country. These torchbearers
of the society undoubtedly play an
indispensable and immensely important role towards shaping a strong nation. There is no
other profession that can supersede the teaching profession. Teachers, therefore, rightly
hold a position higher than that held by the almighty in the Indian society.
Schools are one of the first places where the foundation of a good citizen is laid in the form
of kid's behaviour and qualities. Schools are important because kids learn the base of their
educational life here. Teachers almost become like parents for kids because of the time they
spend together. I believe a real teacher comes about through many years of training and
experiences in the field of teaching. Doctors and engineers are also very important for the
society, but their base is prepared by teachers. It's not just doctors and engineers, but every
man or woman who succeeds in life because of their teacher. Teachers have the qualities to
become role models for th student. We can say that they are the real builders of the nation.
We all are surrounded by many helpers, who guide us through our daily life. But there are
some who help us right from childhood. They are called teachers. Teachers give us lessons
in morality and good habits. The world is what it is today, just because of them. When we are
ill, we avail of treatment from doctors. But if somebody has a problem with geography,
physics or political science, he will go only to the teacher — not a postman, a doctor or an
engineer. Teachers clear our doubts and help touch the the pinnacle of success. They
support us during our exams, they are like relatives who understand our innermost feelings.
Every student is equal in the eye of teacher. They teach us how to take inspiration from
everything around us. They handle indiscipline students with a positive feeling, and change
them. They spread knowledge without expecting anything in return. They also play a great
role in shaping human beings. All the celebrities in the world, who have passed through
school life and reached the highest level of success because of hard work, have done so
because of their teachers. Teachers' hands are like the hands of God, always there to help
us. If we want success, we should mark the way of good surrounding by obeying the
teachers. Our Vedas also tell.... aachrya devo bhavah, which means, treat your teachers
Teachers require knowledge of the unique skills that each child brings to the classroom in
order to effectively target instruction towards students’ learning needs. Despite substantial
investments in programs aimed at enhancing teacher knowledge of individual students’ skills
(KISS), we know surprisingly little about how KISS is distributed or how teachers develop
KISS, let alone the role that KISS plays in instruction and learning. In this study, I employ
data to create KISS measures for kindergarten and first grade
teachers. I use these measures to examine the distribution of KISS across schools, within
schools, and within classrooms, as well as to investigate potential KISS development
mechanisms and instructional uses. To estimate the effect of KISS on student learning, I use
a set of student and subject fixed effects models that control for the nonrandom
sorting of
students into classrooms, average differences in how well teachers know particular children,
and baseline achievement. I find that a standard deviation increase in KISS positively
impacts kindergartners’ and first graders’ achievement by about 0.080.09
deviations. This result is highly robust to a number of different modeling choices and
alternative explanations.
Teachers are an extremely important facet of any society for a number of reasons and their
role in society is both significant and valuable.
Teachers are the people who educate the youth of society who in turn become the leaders of
the next generation of people
Teachers are the people who are teaching children and imparting knowledge upon them in
their most impressionable years
What children learn from their teachers at a young age will most likely stay with them in
some facet for the rest of their lives
Teachers play an extraordinary part in the lives of children for the formative years of their
development and the importance of teachers is something that cannot be understated. They
involve themselves in moulding their students into responsible citizens of their country.
Within a school, if teachers are well educated and if they are intellectually alive and take
keen interest in their job, then only success is ensured.
At READ Foundation, we employ 4,000 highly qualified and educated teachers to ensure
success. Our teachers ensure that children at READ Foundation schools are taught to high
standards and only receive quality education which will lead to a brighter future for these
xtraordinary part in the lives of children for the formative years of their development. The
importance of teachers is something that cannot be understated. Their influence can and will
stretch on long after the final bell rings, beyond the walls of the actual school. The role of the
teacher is complex, far beyond what people would assume as just someone who teaches
what is mandated by law from the youth of America.
The Role of Teachers in Society
Life is its own education, with formal schooling playing only a small fraction. However, that
does not undermine the role

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